Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Define Motivation, Explain How the Expectancy Theory Works Essay

TEMPLATE FOR SUMMARISING AND EVALUATING ARTICLES FROM SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Title and Article Reference| Robert G. Isaac, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Douglas C. Pitt(Summer 2001) Leadership And Motivation: The Effective Application Of Expectancy Theory, Journal of Managerial Issues , Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 212-226| Aim / Purpose of article| In this article, we discuss the application of a motivational model that provides a practical tool for individuals wishing to assume leadership roles. This model, namely expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964; Porter and Lawler, 1968), suggests that individuals, acting through self-interest, adopt courses of action perceived as maximizing the probability of desirable outcomes for themselves. This desire to maximize self-interest provides aspiring leaders with unique opportunities to assume leadership roles by simultaneously meeting both follower needs and organizational requirements| Sample, location, method of data collection and analysis| Article was only theoretical. No empirical evidence offered| Findings/Interpretations reported in the article| Leadership is hard work because it means stepping forward and taking the time to motivate each follower on a personal basis, according to the principles of the model of expectancy theory.| Significance/contribution of the article in relation to your other articles and your topic| This article also contains solid information which outlines that the expectancy theory is used by leadership to motivate their employee’s by meeting their expectation which then inspires them to perform their task highly.| Strengths of the article| Well researched with strong background in the exploration prior of research| Weaknesses of the a rticle| No weakness indicated as the expectancy theory has proven to be vital for leadership and management.| Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment| â€Å"V. H. Vroom (1964) suggested that people consciously choose particular courses of action, based upon perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs, as a consequence of their desires to enhance pleasure and avoid pain†. (Leadership And Motivation: The Effective Application Of Expectancy Theory) Summer 2001 p 214| Quotes from the article that you plan to use in your assignment| â€Å"In essence, the model suggests that the individual feels motivated when three conditions are perceived†1. The personal expenditure of effort will result in an acceptable level of performance. 2. The performance level achieved will result in a specific out-come for the person3.The outcome attained is personally valuedSummer 2001 p 215|

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

College Is It Worth It Essay

Right now in our society university education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather a necessity. We are practically raised and conditioned to believe that one needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying that says â€Å"if you think education is expensive, try ignorance. † But as technology is constantly advancing and computers are running almost anything, is a college education really necessary? There are people who have never set foot in a college and are doing better than people who have their master’s degree. There are views from both sides that contain a valid argument. The main reason why people go to college is not because they want to but because they have to. Most 11th and 12th graders are pressured by their parents to go to college because it is â€Å"the right thing to do. â€Å"† In the essay that Caroline Bird wrote â€Å"College is a Waste of Time and Money†, she states that students go to college because † . . . Mother wanted them to go, or some other reason entirely irrelevant to the course of studies for which college is supposedly organized. † The student may have different ideas about what he or she wants to do in life, but because they think that their parents know what is best for them, they probably end up doing something they do not want to do, resulting in being miserable and resentful. Let’s face it, going to college is socially prestigious. Most people go to college only for the title of being called a college student. For some young people, it is a graceful way to get away from home and become independent without losing the financial support of their parents. They do not want to be looked down upon so they do what would look â€Å"best in the eyes of society†. It is practically beat into our heads that in order to be a respectable citizen of society, you should have some sort of university education. Being a college student is perhaps a more respectable role than being, for example, a clerk or a garbage man because of the negative connotations such jobs receive. Going to college and getting a degree does not necessarily guarantee that an individual is going to get a job right after graduation. It is hard out there for recent graduates to find a good job since there is so much competition due to the insanely increasing numbers of our population and a wildrace for the lions share in every field. Even if they do get a job, it is usually not in what they got their degree for. Many college students would feel that college is a waste of money because they do not learn what they want to. Instead they have to take classes that have close to nothing to do with their major but are only taking these classes in order to fulfill a general educational requirement. Upon graduation, some feel that they are at a disadvantage because more time could have been spent on learning more within their field of study and less on irrelevant materials. Now for the pros of having a professional college education. The major reason of going to college is, of course, to get a good job. College prepares us with academic knowledge in order to succeed in the future. According to Ernest Boyner higher education is essential for preparation for one’s future. He states that: In spatial terms, teaching and learning may begin in a classroom, but course work also spills over into the life of the campus and the community. Students engage in experimential learning and co-curricular activities that take abstract ideas and anchor them in real-life problems. As the competition to get a decent job is increasing, it is close to impossible to obtain a high paying job without at least a bachelor’s degree. Many jobs that only used to want their workers to have a high school diploma now require some college education due to their extremely complicated nature. Another way college is worth the money, however, is because it is one of the few institutions that often contains people of different ethnic and racial backgrounds. Such a situation allows one to develop their social and communicative skills because they are exposed to unfamiliar cultures. This is necessary for the fact that a person does not want to come across as ignorant towards a certain culture. This only, however, comes in handy when you are being educated abroad. College is like a stepping stone to becoming a responsible adult because for the first time most people are practically on their own (that would definitely include me). It is completely different from high school in that not only that school has to be dealt with, but you have to juggle your personal time and financial state as well. They go away to college and face circumstances that they would most likely come across when they finally do go on their own. Bills have to be paid, time has to be managed efficiently, and deadlines have to be met, just like in the â€Å"real world. † College is not only about getting a good job ‘but about acquiring knowledge and broadening one’s horizon. A lot of courses that are at school are not needed for a certain major but are just there for interested people who want to learn more about a certain subject. Bowen explains this by breaking it down into three aspects: †¦ the specific goals for the education function are derived. This function†¦ is intended to help students develop as persons in three respects: cognitive learning, by expanding their knowledge and intellectual powers; affective development, by enhancing their moral, religious, and emotional interests and sensibilities; and practical competence, by improving their performance in citizenship, work, family life, consumer choice, health, and other practical affairs. It is sometimes just as good to be an intelligent person and know about a lot of things instead of being someone who makes a lot of money. My admission into an arts college after a lifetime of struggle of being an a-grade science student, had led me to seriously consider the complexity of this topic and what i have learned is that college definitely has its pros and cons. But I think that college is what you make of it. It can be the best time of your life, but only if you want it to. You can take the pessimistic view about it and think that college is a waste of money, or it can be looked at as a challenging and exciting new frontier that basically will set the precedent for the rest of your life. No matter what i learn in this environment that has been setup on an organised platform to produce strong and self assured individuls that will help make this deteriorating world a better place to live in ,even if we do’nt do it conciously, what I know for sure is that the education I recieve in this college will always be of invaluable worth once i step out in the ruthless fish-eat-fish world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Argument Paper on Exercise Essay Example for Free

Argument Paper on Exercise Essay 1-The Benefits of Exercise and Sports Participation for Kids- e Diet Star This article focuses how benefitical it is for young kids to participate in sports and to exercise regularly. It talks about how exercise and sports offer social relationships, physical challenges and honest competition. Also, exercise and sports can increase a child’s self-esteem and academic performance while preventing the chances of disease or drug use. All these things can help the development of children by not only making them healthy but giving them life experience. 2-Fitness Benefits For Teens- This article list the specifics on the benefits for teens to be fit. It says that physical activity doesn’t have to be time consuming but it is necessary for everyone. Some of the facts about teen exercise given by this article are that nearly half of American children ages twelve through twenty-one are not regularly active. About fourteen percent of young people report no physical activity at all. Also, only nineteen percent of all high school students are active for twenty minutes or more, five days a week. The main focuses point of the article are the physical activity helps build healthy bones, muscles and joints. It helps control weight, build lean muscle, and reduce fat. 3-Find Mind-Blowing Benefits of Exercise- This article tries to get a point across, it starts by saying that exercise isn’t all about getting toned abs and losing weight but that it makes you feel happy. There are five main points that this article talks about. The first once talks about how exercise reverses the detrimental effects of stress. Second, it talks about how exercise can help get rid of depression. Next, it is discussed how exercise can improve learning by increasing brain chemicals called growth factors. Furthermore, exercise builds self-esteem and improves your body image. Lastly, it leaves you feeling euphoric which means that the push and intensity of a workout makes you feel happy and excited. Argument Paper on Exercise. (2017, Jan 19).

Software risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Software risk management - Essay Example Risk management is a part of the project development process, which ensures that the proposed project is free from risks. Introduction Software Risk Management is a process which is composed of activities like risk assessment, analysis, risk management plan and implementation. Risk management is referred to as a plan that involves a series of steps which assist an organization to mitigate with the possible risks. Risk management is generally carried out by a team of people who analyze every project and process in an organization. This ensures that an implemented project is free from risks. Risk management is not limited to projects alone; instead it can be used to check the level of risk in the projects that an organization develops. This helps the organization to select and develop projects that are less prone to risk. Risk Management Process Risk management process constitutes of several components that make up the entire strategy. Risk management process involves clearly defined s teps that allow the organization to identify and analyze each process’s objectives. (Padayachee, 2002). When the objective is analyzed, the probability of risk is minimized. Once the risks are identified, they are put into a log list which specifies each process based on their level of risk. This ensures that the process with higher level of risk is resolved in the beginning. The safety of the project is also guaranteed and the possibility of effective implementation is also guaranteed as the processes or components that pose a risk to the project are resolved well in advance. (McCanus, 2004). In a software environment, the possibility of risk is high and the chances of disaster are also high. A software project which involves several phases like requirement identification, analysis, design, development, testing and implementation, the possibility of risk is more. In each level, a new component might be used and this might turn out to be the greatest risk for the project. (Ga lorath, 2006). To avoid such problems, it is better to implement risk management module so that the developer can be sure of implementing a project that does not create any problems in the future. A software project is prone to risks like technical risks, financial risks, resource risks and management risks. In each stage of project development, a risk parameter is introduced to analyze the project. This will enable the organization to have a control over the project’s development. (Boehm, 1989). This is advantageous as the risks can be found immediately and resolved. Among all the other components of risk management process, risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. All these modules provide a detailed look at the risk management process. Risk Assessment Risk assessment is the first process in the risk management process. This in turn involves risk identification, analysis and risk evaluation. Risk identification is carried out by identifying the sources which p ose risk to the project. (Sommerville, 2009). The identified sources must be listed in order to make sure that they do not occur again. Then the risk of each source is analyzed and they are ordered based on the risk priority. Risk analysis is done based on certain assumptions or using methods like path analysis method. Assumption analysis is carried out by deriving assumptions and checking whether the process falls in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

COMPARE AND CONTRAST TWO POEMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

COMPARE AND CONTRAST TWO POEMS - Essay Example The poem primarily deals with the immediate concerns of survival and moving through the bare and sometimes dark conditions that were everyday obstacles during this time in African-American communities. She tells her son to keep moving forward: â€Å"So, boy, don’t you turn back/ Don’t you set down on the steps† (14-15). The crystal stair works well as a metaphor for life; her advice in no way addresses the nuances or more positive aspects of life, but simply the need to survive and get through the day. Meinke’s poem, while also expressing his advice to a son, is very different in presentation and specific content. As with Hughes’ poem, the writer is speaking directly with the intended audience and offers advice through imagery and metaphor. According to Meinke, the purpose of life is to live every day fully while also planning for the future. Beauty in the world plays an important role in living a full life. The author states that â€Å"Beauty is nectar/ And nectar, in a desert, saves† (Meinke 13-14). The poem ends on a telling note regarding the enjoyments in life and the need to savor each moment and experiences: â€Å"And always serve bread with your wine/ But son, always serve wine† (21-22). Meinke’s poem expresses sentiments that Hughes’ mother cannot fully understand; for her, because of the hardships she knows and experiences on a daily basis, the luxury of enjoying life’s more positive offerings is a foreign concept. Hughes and Meinke have presented two differing views that juxtapose a world full of beauty with that of a more barren, colorless environment. Both poems successfully convey parental concerns and words of wisdom that are to help their respective sons live and function in the world–the main difference being that Hughes’ mother strives for simple survival, while Meinke’s parent is able to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Canadian History post confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Canadian History post confederation - Essay Example The threat of 'race suicide' loomed large in the outlook of housing reformers as it did in all the social improvement campaigns of the era. It was widely believed that the deplorable health of the working class, most visibly demonstrated in the high failure rates in military medical inspections, and the large-scale 'infiltration' of non-British immigrants would jeopardize the future of the Anglo-Saxon 'race.' One worrying development noted by reformers was the hesitancy of landlords to rent dwellings to families with children. This reluctance was commonly noted by observers of the urban scene and became particularly serious after the war with the housing shortage. It represented a concrete manifestation of the potential conflict of interest between different sections of capital -- industrialists and landlords -- over questions such as the reproduction of the workforce. As one conservative union bureaucrat in Toronto, J.T. Gunn, put it blatantly in 1920, 'Landlords object to children, with the result that we are drifting into race suicide.' 'Race' was a loosely defined term used extensively by social commentators to designate the peculiar social attributes that allegedly derived from the biology or culture of a particular people. In the English-Canadian case, this attitude was largely rooted in a sense of the inherent superiority of British 'stock' and constituted a fundamental element of the social hierarchy. It reflected the ideological legacy of the conquest of French Canada and the Native peoples, the Anglo-chauvinism associated with the international hegemony of the British Empire, and the Eurocentric racism linked to colonialism and slavery. Whether one was an environmentalist who believed that active intervention could uplift the social and moral conditions of the indigent and socially 'misfit' or a hereditarian who envisioned that social problems originated in immutable biological traits, there was a common opinion that the Canadian 'race' could be bettered. Neither was there disagreement that the physical, mental, and moral state of the race faced grave danger unless prompt action was taken. Early reformers isolated infectious diseases as the main peril because they threatened to overtake the city as a whole. A 1906 editorial in the Toronto Daily News outlined this threat to the 'respectable' classes: 'The Ward constitutes a constant menace to the physical and moral health of the city. It is an open sore from which flow fetid currents which cannot but be corrupting to the whole community.' The metaphor of disease was widely used to depict the slum housing conditions of immigrants and the poor. Dr Charles Hodgetts, head of the Public Health and Housing section of the COC, argued that temporary shack towns on the outskirts of cities were quickly becoming the 'overcrowded permanent homes of a foreign population -- hot beds of parasitic and communicable diseases and breeders of vice and inequity.' Such bigotry was extended to working-class British and American immigrants as

Friday, July 26, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 16

Management - Essay Example e world has changed and in the 21st century corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices are important elements that should be an integral part of a company’s strategy. This paper analyzes and studies business sustainability in order to determine if the subject should be included in future business textbooks as an important business discipline that students should educate themselves on. Sustainability are the policies and processes which enhance the financial, environmental, societal, human and other resources on which the company depends for its long-term health (Economic Intelligence Unit). It involves a major commitment from a company in order to satisfy the needs of its internal and external stakeholders as well as placing a high level of importance in mother earth. The practice can not be applied through a single linear approach, since in order for sustainability in the business world to be effective a company must apply an integrated approach throughout the enterprise. The globalization movement made companies around the world located in different location and societies realized that the actions of companies affect the global economy. Since the turn of the century companies have made sustainability a priority. Executive are utilizing a strategic approach called corporate responsibility in order to attend the sustainability issue. Corporate responsibility is the continuing commitment by businesses to behave ethically and contribute to the economic development while improving the quality of life behind the workforce (Corporate-responsibility). Sustainability can help companies increase their profitability and shareholders value. The principles of sustainability state that the long term results are more important than short term gains. An example of how the principle of sustainability affects the corporate the case of Nike apparel. Nike Corporation in the late 1990’s incurred in unethical human labor practices in developing nation by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

U.S. foreign policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

U.S. foreign policy - Essay Example It is an observation that foreign policy of the US plays a crucial role in functions and operations of different countries around the globe, and this has been the reason of significant importance of different aspects of US foreign policy in international media and research.This paper is a similar attempt to analyze one of the major stakeholders of US foreign policy: public. In particular, the paper includes discussion and analysis of the perspective as whether public opinion matters in the decision-making process of US foreign policy or not. The paper includes different studies and reports that will be very beneficial in comprehensive understanding and validation of the discussion. Introduction In a democratic nation’s foreign policy, decisions are likely to be taken by the citizens and in support of the citizens. Governments are answerable to the citizens and the public would not clash, in view of the fact that it is public who finally pay the price and suffer for the most pa rt. Efforts of one government to control significant foreign policies of another by disturbing public opinion within that nation are not new to global relations. The British tried to influence United States view in support of joining both World Wars during the twentieth century. The issue of whether such efforts actually matter, however, stays open. United States public diplomacy throughout the post-9/11 phase certainly influenced by public opinion; however, the result is conditional on United States leaders’ trustworthiness in front of public... As a result, a foreign policy maker must be responsive to these restraints, master them, and rise above them, changing them to his or her determination (Hunt, p. 98, 2009). It is generally acknowledged by both researchers as well as the politicians that the balanced option is the leading approach to foreign policy making. This approach consists of identification and description of the problem; selection of objective; recognition of substitutes; and choice. Discussion In the foreign policy making procedure, the decision maker is not different to any normal human being who, after assessing the case, usually selects those measures, which almost certainly would attain the most excellent result. However, in the concept of rationalism, the rational is frequently puzzled with truth. If a foreign policy goes wrong, it is said that the decision makers worked unreasonably. However, whether correct or incorrect, if the decision was an act of study it can barely be unreasonable. Some that decisi on makers perform reasonably in conditions when they are stressed mainly in emergency, because in these circumstances, they have to be careful about their actions (Spanier & Hook, p. 395, 2009). The topic of public opinion along with its power in foreign policy has been an issue of argument both in and since the cold war between pragmatists and moderates. Arguments in favor of pragmatist view ‘can be found back in the eighteenth century’. â€Å"Edmund Burke a political philosopher contended that ‘A representative’s unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. Your representative owes you, not his industry

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Chisholm Trail and Its Role In The Cattle Industry Research Paper

The Chisholm Trail and Its Role In The Cattle Industry - Research Paper Example This paper declares that the Chisholm Trail suffered as well. With barbed wire defining the boundaries of ranch lands, the trails were soon feeling cramped . It received a temporary reprieve in 1880 from competition on the western trails that led more directly to Dodge City, when rail service was extended to Caldwell, Kansas, and once again there was a temporary boom. However, it was apparent that the route was declining, and it would soon be silent forever. To the cattle industry, the Chisholm Trail was responsible for more than just driving the steers to market. Towns had been built and grown because of it. It had caused the upswing of meat-packing plants in Chicago and Kansas City, and had even caused rage in Europe when businessmen became irate that their markets were being flooded with American beef. This paper makes a conclusion that by 1885, fenced-in ranching replaced the way of life that had been known on the open range and trails. Though the Chisholm Trail soon grew quiet, and it would never know again the thunderous sound of cattle at its crossings. The Chisholm Trail carries a legacy that has come to symbolize the heyday of the cattle industry and the era of the cowboy, and neither time, nor change, nor the invention of barbed wire can upset the place that it holds in the hearts of those descended from the cowboys, trail bosses, guides, and chuck wagon cooks that once rode along its routes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Experiences of Being Human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Experiences of Being Human - Essay Example   The poem is written with a mixed emotion of appreciation of friendship (between man and environment) as well as the nostalgia of needing to have an emotional connection. Mora on her work in Legal Alien that appeared in her poetry collection that was published in 1984 entitled Chants spoke how horrible it felt once this human connection is lost by just being different in a society that is oblivious of diversity. Mora is of Mexican descent and holds American citizenship by law yet not entirely part of the society she is in because of her two worlds, being a Mexican as well as an American. This poem exudes raw emotion as it was articulated from the first-person point of view on how Mora felt the emotional alienation when that emotional connection of which Whitman talked about is lost by just being an immigrant. This became obvious in the last few lines of her poem stating; â€Å"Sliding back and forth/between the fringes of both worlds/ by smiling  / by masking the discomfort   / of being pre-judged  /Bi-laterally†. pain was best described by using the characterization of the protagonists of the Vietnam War such as the â€Å"white vet's image /floats closer to me, then his pale eyes look through mine† and a woman â€Å"trying to erase names: [but] No, she's brushing a boy's hair† making it poignantly painful to recall. The Martian Sends a Postcard Home, on the other hand, combined the familiar and the bizarre as the familiar was seen from an alien’s point of view. Here, Craig Raine highlighted the eccentricity of human experience by the characterization of a martian of which it narrates the similarity and difference between an alien and human being and in a way a commentary or critique of how human beings treat human experience. The Model T has used a symbol (the early version of cars made by Ford) that it differs because it is locked from the inside and that there is â€Å"a film to watch for anything missed†. This pass age may have been written casually but this line is actually loaded with meaning. It is the human experience gone by as it is looked on the film (which is really the rear mirror)† and we are mindless of it because â€Å"time is tied to the wrist or kept in a box† which made us all regretful and as he Raine tells â€Å"No one is exempt and everyone's pain has a different smell†. Perhaps one of the best media of how human beings expressed their deeply seated emotion is through poems. The authors Whitman, Mora, Komunyakaa, and Raine may have represented the varying human emotion that ranged from the â€Å"joyous leaves†, alienation, pain in recalling and indifference or regret and may have used different symbolisms such as the trees, Vietnam Memorial, Model T car or a legal status but all of them converged in their intent to articulate and explore human emotions.  

Air Asia Essay Example for Free

Air Asia Essay A. Late Submission A 10% deduction per day of total coursework marks (excluding weekends and public holidays). Late submission between 5 to 10 days, results in a 50% deduction of total coursework marks. Late submission past 10 days results in an automatic 0% for coursework and the student will be barred from the final examination. B. Deliverables Students must submit all materials supporting their coursework listed in the deliverable section. The coursework must be done individually and must be entirely your own work. Please make sure that you are aware of the rules concerning plagiarism. If you are unclear about them, please consult your program coordinator/lecturer. The coursework should exhibit formal research skills i. e. with a table of content, proper citations, references, and appendices. The coursework write up must be able to demonstrate critical analysis and application of both theory and practical issues to the company that you have selected. Student may include additional relevant data/information apart from the proposed guidelines in conjunction to your research. Additional marks will be awarded for such attempt. A CD containing the softcopy version of your coursework should be submitted as well (if required). BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING (HONS) COURSEWORK QUESTIONS Choose one of the strategic change and management framework highlighted below and critically analyze and evaluate with supporting examples. PEST Analysis Porter’s 5 Forces Porter’s Value Chain Your report should attempt the following tasks: a) Discussion of the principles underlying the framework. b) A critical evaluation on the application of the framework in actual business context. c) Relating the framework to an organization of your choice. Your report should include: Cover Page Grading Scheme Executive Summary Table of Content Questions (a) (c) List of References/Bibliography Appendices (if relevant) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) Guidelines (1) Your mark in this coursework will carry a 25% weight in the assessment of your overall performance in this module. (2) You will be working on this coursework individually. (3) The assignment will be in a report format of not more than 1,500 words. (4) Appropriate APA referencing system will be employed where applicable. (5) Your assignment should be type written, 1 ? line spaced, font 12 Times New Roman and justify aligned. Please staple and do not comb bind. (6) Please provide an executive summary, table of content, page number, proper heading title for each part answered and references. (7) Use an appropriate cover sheet. (8) Please attach a copy of the grading scheme at the front of your coursework (after the Cover Page) during submission. (9) The assignment will be submitted on 25th October 2012 (Thursday) in class. Assignment of Grades for Written Work Written assignments will be graded according to the following distribution: 70%: Content (thoroughness of preparation, information, and content) 20%: Style (grammar, writing quality, clarity of writing at the sentence level) 10%: Presentation (organization, clarity of writing at the paper level) What this means in practice is that if you do the work, but dont organize your thoughts or write clearly, you will end with at most a B. However, you will not be given full credit for content if the lecturer cannot understand what youre saying, so if you dont write clearly, you will probably end up losing points on content as well. BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (HONS) Academic Dishonesty As stated in the faculty Handbook, cheating, including plagiarism will not be tolerated. All written work, including paper summaries, must be your own work. If you wish to quote a source, you must do so explicitly, and with proper attribution. Any work that does not meet the requirements set out above will be treated as a violation of the academic honesty policy for the class, and dealt with accordingly.

Monday, July 22, 2019

LG Mobile Essay Example for Free

LG Mobile Essay Founded January 5, 1947 Headquarters Address LG Twin Towers, 20 Yoido-dong, Youngdungpogu, Seoul, South Korea Our Businesses Electronics, Chemicals, Telecommunications and Service (Number of Companies: 53) LG Electronics LG Display LG Innotek Hiplaza Hi Logistics System Air-Con Engineering Siltron Lusem LG Chem SEETEC Coca ·Cola Beverage Company LG Hausys LG TOSTEM BM HAUSYS ENG LG Life Sciences LG MMA LG TeleCom CS Leader A†¢IN LG Dacom LG Powercom DACOM Crossing CS ONE Partner LG CNS LG N-Sys 1947 1953 1958 1967 1970 1974 1995 †¢Chairman In Hwoi Koo founds LG by establishin g Lak Hui Chemical Industrial Corp. (now LG Chem) †¢Lak Hui Industry establishe d (now LG Internatio nal Corp.) †¢Goldstar Co. establishe d (now LG  Electronics) †¢Honam Oil Refinery Co. establishe d (now GS Caltex of GS Group) †¢Cha Kyung Koo takes office as Chairman †¢Lak Hui changes its name to Lucky Co., Ltd †¢Bon Moo Koo takes office as Chairman †¢ New Corporate Identity (CI) establishe d (Lucky Goldstar LG) Goldstar produced first electronics in Korea. 1959 1960 1961 1965 1966 1968 1969 1973 1974 1979 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 †¢First radio †¢First electronic fan †¢First telephone †¢First refrigerator †¢First black and white TV †¢First air room conditioner †¢First elevator, escalator, washing machine †¢First cassette recorder †¢First PMC single station equipment †¢First videotape recorder †¢first electronic VTR †¢First color video camera †¢First compact disc player in Korea †¢First multiplex television with sound and color in Korea †¢First laser machines in Korea, single unit video 8 mm VTR in Korea 1958-1995 1962 1975 1976 †¢ Goldstar introduces private loans for the first time in Korea †¢ Goldstar establishes the Central Research and Development Institute †¢ Goldstar Precision Industry (currently LG Innotek Co., Ltd.) established 1977 1978 1989 †¢ Goldstar develops color television †¢ Goldstar achieves exports to the amount of 100 million USD †¢ Goldstar Industrial Systems develops the fourth direct drive ultra precision robot in the world 1995 †¢ LG Electronics Inc. acquires Zenith, the largest electronics company in the United States 1995-Today 1995 †¢Chairman Bon Moo Koo created and enforced Jeong-Do Management* and No. 1 LG as the companys core management goals. 1996 †¢LG Electronics Inc. establishes the LG-IBM PC company 1999 †¢LG Electronics Inc. develops the thinnest plasma display panel in the world 2001 †¢LG Electronics becomes the worlds first to develop organic EL for IMT-2000 2004 †¢LG Electronics develops the worlds first land-based digital multimedia broadcasting phone †¢LG Electronics unveils 3G mobile phones for Hutchison 2005 †¢For eight years in a row, LG Electronics is number one in the world for sales of optical storage devices †¢LG Electronics opens the LG Digital Reading Room in the National Library of Russia †¢LG Electronics develops the worlds fastest 3D game phone 2006 †¢LG Electronics wins the 2006 Hong Kong Design Award for its Chocolate phone †¢LG Electronics unveils the worlds thinnest ceiling-bound system air conditioner †¢LG Electronics unveils the worlds slimmest (33-cm) flat-panel TV 2007 †¢LG Electronics is ranked first in the global CDMA market for two consecutive years ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ Revenues: $12.1 billion (FY 2008) that increased 10.3% compared with FY 2007  Collaboration with Microsoft Corporation,  Android software under Google Inc., Wal-Mart, EBay, Toyota Threat Case of LG 830 Spyder cell phone ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ Jeong-Do Management and LGs management principles Increase the value for the shareholders and investors Improve reliability, flexibility and responsibility Increase the speed of responding to the consumers’ feedbacks Human recourses (Attract Foster) Music ï  ½ business mobility Nokia software communication game Global Market Local Market But in the United States, Nokias market share has been steadily declined. Nokia has to develop more CDMA mobile phones. Because the U.S. wireless operators have a strong control on the market, while the wireless technology in the United States has also been less advanced than Europe. ï  ½ Motorola was founded in 1928. It is the leader in the world’s chip manufacturing and electronic the communications. direct US Veriz on sales Gove rnme nt WalMart distribut ors products widely sold through Retailers dealers licensees Main customers of Motorola ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ Because of lacking of compelling new phones, the market share of Motorola’s mobile phones continue to depress. Samsung replaced the location of Motorola becoming the secondlargest mobile phone marker. Now Motorola can only rank at third. Samsung slips into No.1 mobile phone slot in US Leaves Motorola sadly Second ï  ½ Just as LG, Samsung Group is also a South Korean company which offering various industries including electronics and mobile phones. In 1973ï ¼Å'Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone in the world. The 1G phone looks boxy and can only be served as movable but hardly portable. Many people call this cell phone as bricks and mortar or â€Å"KINGBOX†. Future mobile phones will be emphasis on security and data communication. On the one hand it will strengthen the protection of personal privacy, on the other hand the data services will enhanced by more researches and development. ï  ½ ï  ½ A large-scale of 3G networks is sweeping the whole global mobile phone market. At the same time, the global market of mobile phones is facing its biggest threat. Some common tools of International phony such as Skype, Icq and MSN are more and more convenient and popular. The future of Internet telephony will become a mainstream form of network communication which is under the trend of scientific and technological progress and perfection instead of mobile phones. General Outline Troubles Advantages Milestones 1997: 1962: 1958: Goldstar Established (LGE) LGE expands business to the U.S. with radio’s. Supplied United state’s Ameri-tech with mobiles phones. ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ 115 companies: 84 subsidiaries, 34 liaison offices (250 companies total) Workforce: 84,000 36 RD and Design Centers: 30 RD, 6 design Workforce: 17,000 63% of workforce employed overseas. (101,000 of 160,000 total) Global Subsidiaries/Companies: Europe: 22 China: 16 Middle East Africa: 11 Asia: 10 CIS: 7 South America Central America: 10 United States: 7 (Currently number 2 in U.S. market behind Motorola) Japan: 1 Global Sales KRW in BS Trillions 4.6 50 45 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 6 5 10 10 10 10 11 10 13 12 11 Home Ent. AC 16 Home App. 4.5 8.6 15.8 D.Media D.Display D.App. Mobile 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2008 Q2 % Market Share Others, 16.6 SonyEricsson, 8.2 Nokia Nokia, 41 Motorola LG, 9.3 Samsung, 15.4 Motorola, 9.5 Samsung LG SonyEricsson Others ï  ½ Fluctuations in KRW: (Competitive exports) 2005: $1(USD)= 1,103 won 2006: $1(USD)= 955 won 2007: $1(USD)= 929 won 2008: $1(USD)= 1,103 won 2009: $1(USD)= 1,183 won ï  ½ NAFTA 1994/WTO 1995 ï  ½ Late Start (counter: RD, Design, Localization) ï  ½ High-End/Quality (counter: LG Chocolate consignment, PBL) ï  ½ PRADA – Luxurious PRADA phone ï  ½ Microsoft – Windows Mobile 6.0/Smartphones ï  ½ Mark Levinson (Audio Systems) – Music Phones (Chocolate) ï  ½ Google – Pre-installments in phones. ï  ½ Schneider – Mobile phone camera lenses. ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ LGE sports sponsorships/partnerships Formula 1 Multi-year partnership 1/09. Official consumer electronics, mobile phones and tech. Viewed by 588 million. ï  ½ ï  ½ International Cricket Council Official Sponsor from (ICC) 2002-2015. Following of 2-3 Billion: U.K., Australia, India, South Africa and other British Commonwealth countries. Football Club Sponsors: ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ ï  ½ Sao Paulo Fulham Liverpool Olympic Lyon Hungary National Team Iraq National Team Greece National Team Russia National Team LG Amsterdam Tournament LG World Cup Most Popular Sports in the world: (approx. 6.71 billion people) 1. Soccer – 3.5 billion 2. Cricket – 2-3 billion 3. Field Hockey – 2 billion 4. Tennis – 1 billion 5. Volleyball – 900 million 6. Table Tennis – 800 million 7. Formula 1 – 588 million 8. Baseball – 500 million 9. Golf – 400 million 10.Gridiron Football – 400 million 1995 †¢Acquired U.S. based Zenith 1997 †¢CDMA (3G) Handsets produced 1998 †¢60’’ plasma T.V. 2000 †¢Launched the world’s first Internet refrigerator 2001 †¢World’s first internet washing machine 2003 †¢Number 1 global producer of CDMA phones 2004 †¢Advertised world’s first 71† plasma T.V. 2005 †¢ 4th largest mobile phone supplier globally †¢ 18 million Chocolate phones sold. 2008 †¢ LG Mobile selected as the supplier for the â€Å"World Phone† †¢ World’s first 3G watch phone with full touch screen. †¢ LG Dare phone wins CES â€Å"Best of Innovations† award 2009 †¢ LG Secret phone wins â€Å"red dot design† award †¢ LG KS 360 phone wins â€Å"iF Design’ award. FEATURED PRODUCTS ï  ½ Brand Name ââ€" ¦ top 10 brand in electronics 2008 ï  ½ Marketing in UK ââ€" ¦ LG hired Alcone Marketing ââ€" ¦ 10% of market share for mobile phones ï  ½ Design ââ€" ¦ LG Prada: top 10 Fashion designs in Europe ââ€" ¦ Bluetooth Handsets : drive and talk ï  ½ Consumers’ satisfaction ââ€" ¦ J.D. Powder and Associates’ study ï  ½ Supply management †¢ Fashion phone designs ï  ½ Contracts with football clubs ââ€" ¦ Liverpool ââ€" ¦ Fulham †¢ Global Recession ï  ½ Competitors ââ€" ¦ Nokia Corporation ââ€" ¦ Motorola, Inc ââ€" ¦ Samsung Group ï  ½ Global Recession ï  ½ Short-term: ââ€" ¦ Improve supply management ââ€" ¦ Satisfy lower market ââ€" ¦ Bluetooth Handsets : drive and talk ï  ½ Long term: ââ€" ¦ ââ€" ¦ ââ€" ¦ ââ€" ¦ Increasing fashion designers field American Football in USA Increase market share in Asia Buying small companies or stocks

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies for Workforce Shortage in Australian Healthcare

Strategies for Workforce Shortage in Australian Healthcare Introduction The Australian healthcare system has over the years been ranked as one of the best on the global perspective (Naccarella, 2014). This has been based on the extent to which quality care is given and the investment of the state of the art technology to facilitate these processes. However, there are various major concerns that continue to ail the health care sector in Australia (Scott, 2009). The shortage of healthcare providers within the country has remained a key issue that continue to impact on any attempts to make positive strides. While the respective states in Australia such as Queensland have adopted measures in the move to resolve this concern, it remains a thorny issue (Lim Seale, 2014). Therefore, there is a need for the adoption of a management model that is implemented on the national scale so as to resolve this issue. The importance of the shortage management model is emphasised by the vital role that the sector plays towards the economic development (Moran, Burson Conrad, 2014). A sector that has served as an icon for different countries across the globe faces the threat of undergoing through massive decline as the shortage of qualified workforce continue to linger. This is especially based on the fact that this shortage is in line with the future demand for healthcare service (Parrella, 2013). The gap between the demand for healthcare services by the Australian population and the supply of the care givers continue to widen (Lines, 2015). Previously, historical models of finding a long term solution towards the issue have not been effective. This creates the need for the development of an effective management initiative that would play a key role towards resolving the issue and casting a ray of hope towards this essential sector in the Australian context. This report aims at presenting a management initiative that could be implemented within the Australian healthcare sector so as to address the issue of workforce shortages. The initiative is known as the NEW DAWN management model. The rationality of the name of the model is the new insights that it seeks to bring into the Australian healthcare sector in the long term .The model is to be implemented on a national perspective so as to ensure that it is able to address the key concerns on a holistic approach. The main elements that are included in the report include; identification and substantiation of need and aim of the initiative, the relation to best practice and a business plan that would facilitate the implementation of the model. Essentially, the focus of the management initiative is to develop a framework of reducing the workforce shortage with the Australian context in the long term. In the context of this study, the workforce population in the Australian healthcare sectors is taken to incorporate all forms of staff who work towards delivering care. This includes nurses and other healthcare practitioner. Within the Australian context, nurses represent the largest share of the workforce within the sector. They constitute more than 50% of the healthcare sector workforce within the country. Therefore, the insights developed within the management initiative outline are meant to provide a solution in relation to the entire workforce within the country. Identification and substantiation of need and aim of change/innovation Evidence of the need for the change/innovation According to data collected in the Australian healthcare sector in 2002, there is a massive gap in terms of the labour force. Evidence suggests that the country had a shortfall of 10-12,000 nurses (Segal Bolton, 2009). This is a representation of close to 5% of the entire healthcare workforce in the country. Worse still, the report presented by the Productivity Commission illustrated that the trend continues to soar over the years. This is a worrying factor this it is an illustration of the extent to which the workforce shortage within the healthcare sector in Australia may have far reaching implication towards the quality of care given in the long term. Different attributes have been linked towards the problem of workforce shortage within the Australian context. While seeking to devise an appropriate management initiative to address this concern, focusing on the key contributing factors is vital. One of the key reasons that have been cited to be contributing towards the increase in the workforce gap in Australia is the ageing population. Over time, the Australian workforce and population has been ageing at high rates. At the same time, the mortality rates have remained low compared to other countries across the globe. According to data presented by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) the number of nurse working in the country who are aged 55 years and above has increased massively over the years. The report indicates that in a period of ten years, the numbers increased from 7% in 1995 to 19% in year 2005 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2014). This is an illustration of the extent to which the elderly a ge continues to dominate the nursing and general healthcare workforce within the Australian context. Ultimately, the increase in the number of healthcare workforce aged 55 years and above within the country has contributed towards shortage of adequate staff to tend to the future demand. Another factor that has contributed towards the shortage of the healthcare workforce in Australia is the low uptake of related course within the colleges and other higher learning institutions. The healthcare course still remains largely unfavourable among the students at the college level in the country. This may be facilitated by the lack of mentorship or the perception that the field is not as well compensation as others. Studies suggest that the increase in the number of students who take up healthcare related course within the context of Australian sector has only been at 3%. Therefore, this is an indication of the need to adopt corrective measures to address this concern. Still on this note, the number of people who take up professional healthcare jobs in Australia compared to other countries is low. According to statistics, only 2.7 persons out of 1000 take up professional practice in the healthcare sector in the country (Segal Bolton, 2009). Furthermore evident suggests that Australia attempts to close this gap by relying on the overseas labour market by this has not worked effectively. Evidence that the change/innovation planned meets this need. The NEW DAWN management initiative is aimed at addressing the gaps that exist within the Australian healthcare sector by countering the specific challenges that have been faced. It will be aimed at increasing the number of students who take up the healthcare practices as a profession, and improve the ability of the country to manage the future needs of the sector. Since the model will be implemented in all the states across Australia, it will be effective towards addressing the key concerns that have been ailing the sector in terms of staff shortage. Change strategy in relation to best practice While implementing the new dawn management initiative, the focus is to ensure that the change elements are well implemented. For effective undertaking of this process Kotter’s 8 areas for successful change are used in illustrating the approach to be taken. By following the concepts that have been presented by Kotter it is expected that the new dawn change model will become a reality within the Australian healthcare sector. In this perspective, the model will be implemented in the following steps. Towards the New Dawn: Kotters 8 areas for successful change Area 1: A sense of Urgency This involves the process of creating a sense of interest and urgent needs to take action (Kotter Rathgeber, 2006). In this perspective, a message will be passed through social media including Facebook and twitter in the form of a campaign to get more youth involved in the healthcare sector in Australia. This will be effective since most of the young people who are the target audience for the new dawn change management initiative users to such forums. Area2: Building a Guiding Coalition This involves the process of getting likeminded parties to be part of support towards the change initiative that has been proposed. In this perspective, the play a vital role towards providing the required assistance in terms of information sharing and forging more support (Bateman, 2012). In the case of the new dawn initiative seeking to deliver more enrolment of young students in healthcare professions, the news media team will be used. More precisely, Sky News Australia will be targeted as the key support party. The link will be derived through the social media interaction. This group is selected as the first approach area since it reaches out to people across Australia using different information outlets. Also, students from different universities in Australia will be encouraged to be ambassadors of the social media campaign towards reducing the gap in the staff shortage in the Australian healthcare sector. Area3: Strategic vision and initiative The vision and initiative provides the drive towards achieving the targets set (Kotter Cohen, 2012). It also gives a sense of direction towards the approach set. In the context of the new dawn initiative, the vision is to reduce the workforce shortage to 0% in 5 years. This is to be achieved through achieving a 35% increase in the enrolment for healthcare related courses within the Australian colleges and learning institutions within the period. Area4: Enlisting a volunteer army This involves finding as many people as possible who are willing to support the change process (Rasmussen, Mylonas, Beck, 2012). In the case of the new dawn management program within the Australian healthcare sector, the volunteer army will be obtained from the social media. On twitter, the hash tag #iamAustraliasnewdawn will be formed to obtain support. By getting this conversation top go viral; more and more young people will gain an interest in enrolling for healthcare related courses. Similarly on Facebook, a group will be formed so as to advocate for the need to drive efforts towards achieving a new dawn in the Australian healthcare. Area5: Enable Action by removing barriers This involves eliminating any form of hurdles that may be experienced by potential supporters in giving their support (Pollack Pollack, 2015). To achieve this, the initiative will encourage people from different ages, gender and cultures, professions, to join in giving their voice through the social media and any other method that they may prefer. The overall intention is to ensure that the message of achieving a new generation of young people within the healthcare sector in Australia is achieved in the long term. Area6: Generating short term wins This involves the process of recognizing the small strides that have been made towards the change process (Naranjo-Gil, 2015). In the case of the new dawn initiative in the Australian healthcare sector, the change initiative will be evaluated weekly based on the number of followers it has achieved on the social media and the actual people who have enrolled as a result of the initiative. The weekly tracking will eventually escalate to monthly and annually. However, recognizing the small strides will play a key role in motivating the parties involved and making them feel part of the change program. Area7: Sustaining acceleration The process of getting more people involved in the process of creating awareness on the need to have more young employees within the Australian healthcare will be achieved by changing approaches. For instance, in the first phase of evolution, the target of the initiative will be on the individual major universities in Australia. This focus will help in generating a more personalised approach of the initiative by the students and the faculty within the university. They will be in a position to take the process more seriously and embrace initiative to implement the suggested approaches. Area8: Instituting change This involves the process of ensuring that the concepts that have been suggested are implemented within the framework that that it has been intended (Bateman, 2012). In the case of the new dawn, strategies will be put in place to ensure that different states of Australia make the changes of increasing the number of university students who enrol in the healthcare related courses. This will be achieved through making a follow up with the political representatives of the different states to ensure that they recognise the approaches that they need to adopt so as to ensure that the new dawn change management program become successful. Business plan Tasks July-Sept 2015 August-October 2015 November-December 2015 Jan-March 2016 April-June 2016 Initiation of the change campaign Passing information to universities Passing information to hospitals Political elites Change achievement Based on the Gantt chart provided, it is estimated that the change will have been achieved fully by the end of June 2016. By this period, the targeted increase in the number of young students who enrol in healthcare sector courses in different states in Australia is expected to have increased. Most of the responsibility of undertaking these tasks will be for the change management team that has been selected to undertake the project (Hornstein, 2015). Undertaking these tasks as a team will help in ensuring that the level of control towards the operations involved is maintained over time. Before the actual adoption of the change management plan, detailed research in relation to the extent of the issue in the Australian market will be conducted. This will be aimed at so as gain deep insights. This will help in responding to any issues that are raised by the parties participating in the process of achieving the change within the healthcare sector in Australia. Control mechanisms There are various issues that may have to be considered while implementing the new dawn initiative in the Australian healthcare. These are the control concepts that will give an indication of the difficulty in achieving the set change plane. One of the key elements is the cost. The cost of implementing the project may become too high to the extent that the entire process ceases to be feasible. Since it is intended to cover the national scope covering all states in Australia, this may happen. To some extent, the project may be abandoned if the costs become too high. At the same time, if the project takes too long to achieve the desired outcomes based on the set timeline, it may lead to eventual termination. Therefore, the timelines that have been set will be adhered to with the provision of only few weeks if the project is to be implemented. Transitional arrangements The transitional arrangement that may be facilitated within the specific hospitals in Australia may involve the effective hand over of position. The management of the hospitals within the country will be informed effectively on the need to ensure that the young graduates from different universities within the country are welcomed peacefully. This also involves facilitating the process of induction so as to ensure that they are able to deliver towards the success of the Australian health sector in the long term. Resources Costs The resources required for the implementation of the project will be minimal. The considerations include the travel costs, stationery and internet charges that will be used. Such costs will be significant as to warrant the justification of the progress that has been made towards the implementation of the project. Risks The risk management policy adopted will be in line with the specific development at each stage of the process. This will ensure that appropriate measures of hedging against risks are adopted and implemented at each stage of the process. In the long term, it will be effective in terms of allowing the process to run smoothly without any form of external disruptions. Evaluation of the change/initiative The evaluation of the success of the initiative will be measured quarterly. This is based on the specific objectives that have been set for the specific quarter of the year. At this point, the points of success or failure will easily be identified since the process will have been broken down into different stages. The focus of phases as opposed to the process as a whole will be effective in terms of controlling the factors impacting on the process. Dissemination of plan to others The information relating to the completion of the project will be done through the social media, news article among others. The intention will be to provide the details of the success story in relation to the project to as many people as possible especially the policy makers in the Australian health sector over the strides that have been made through the process.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sealed Air Company Essay -- Business Marketing essays

Sealed Air Company 2. SUMMARY The protective packaging market is becoming more competitive. Sealed Air company is encountering a growing number of competitors in its field. Similar or alternative systems are now proposed against those of Sealed Air. These new systems are often cheaper but as argued by Sealed Air less effective concerning the protection they offer and therefore less cost-effective. A new company (GAFCEL) has entered the market with an uncoated product and is having success on the New York, California and Ohio market. Sealed Air will face further erosion of its US market share. Based on the analysis of the AirCap ® product as well as on the analysis of the market, we will answer questions regarding Sealed Air's reaction to its new competitor GAFCELL and the opportunity to introduce a new uncoated product in the market. We will make marketing recommendations on how to introduce this new product and in which geographical market to launch it in order to maintain Sealed Air as a leader of the protective packaging market. 3. QUESTIONS 3.1. What should Sealed Air be trying to accomplish in any decision it makes in response to the GAFCEL threat? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should be trying to gain back the market share that was taken by GAFCEL and it should ensure it does not loose anymore market share. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should ensure it keeps its reputation of a company built on ‘technical accomplishments’ and must ensure its image does not suffer from the possible introduction of this new uncoated product. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should not ‘cannibalise’ itself and therefore it should ensure the products are segmented correctly. 3.2 What has been happening in the market and how is Sealed Air doing? In order to answer this double question, we have completed and focused our analysis mainly on the AirCap product manufactured by Sealed Air. 3.2.1 Strengths and Weaknesses MIX  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  STRENGTHS  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WEAKNESSES PRODUCT  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  quality & reliability -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  benefit to customers -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  barrier coating with saran -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8 different grades to fit all applications -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  patent protection -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  registered trade mark  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  only coated products offered in the USA PRICE  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  10[%] margin to distributors for direct sales -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  quantity discount  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  higher than competitors, up to 50[%] (England) COMMUNICATION  Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...nd this will be effective only with specific selling training sessions with real life scenarios. 5. Conclusion Sealed Air Group will now be able to offer a complete range of products : uncoated and coated. Sealed Air Group will maintain its reputation, its image of quality regarding the coated products. Sealed Air Group with its accurate and well-thought strategy will avoid the cannibalism effect as much as possible. Sealed Air Group will regain market share and sustain its leadership across the US, Europe and in the developing countries (expansion programme). Sealed Air Group will be able to propose and sell the appropriate product to the appropriate customer through the appropriate distributor. Sealed Air Group will set up tailored-made programmes for each country according to the buying mentalities, the purchasing habits and specificities of each country . Sealed Air Group is fully aware that key success factor of its above strategy is the distributor network : Sealed Air Group will build up loyalty with the key distributors through exclusivity, special incentives, special events and higher commissions, in the US and even more across Europe.

Ernest Hemingway Essay -- essays research papers

Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois July 21, 1899. Hemingway is known to be one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. He has written more than one hundred short fiction stories, many of them to be well known around the world. Some of these short stories had just as powerful an impact as his novels. As a young man, Hemingway left from his hometown to Europe, where he worked for the Red Cross during World War I. His time spent there inspired him to write some of his most famous novels. Most of which spoke of the horrors of the war (Benson xi). Hemingway's short stories, "Soldier's Home" and "Another Country" are used to show the damaging psychological and physical effects of World War I.Hemingway knew first hand the horrors of war. In May of 1918, Hemingway became an honorary second lieutenant in the Red Cross, but could not join the army because he had a defective left eye. Hemingway first went to Paris, and soon after receiving new orders he traveled to Milan, Italy. The day he arrived, an ammunition factory exploded and he had to carry mutilated bodies and body parts to a makeshift morgue. This was definitely a most terrifying moment for the young Hemingway. After being seriously injured weeks later, Hemingway found himself recovering at a hospital in Milan. After his stay at the American Hospital in Milan, Hemingway was relieved of duty (Mitran 1). Having no other purpose in Europe, he returned unhappily to Oak Park, Illinois. The impression left on Hemingway by his stay in Italy had changed him profoundly. He never really returned to America as an America(Meyer 115). When Hemingway returned home from Italy in January of 1919 he found Oak Park dull compared to the adventures of war, the beauty of foreign lands, and the romance of an older woman. He was only nineteen but the war had matured him beyond his years. He was now living with his parents who didn't really appreciate what he had been through. His parents where concerned about his future and wanted him to get a job, and further his education. Hemingway could not find anything he would be interested in. Hemingway often exaggerated his war stories to satisfy his audience. This frustrating period of his life was used to create the short story called, "Soldier's Home" (Meyer 115).Hemingway's story "Soldier's Home" con... .... Hemingway's short stories, "Soldier's Home" and "Another Country" are used to show the damaging psychological and physical effects of World War I. Hemingway is able to explain these affects of war to his readers most effectively. This is because of his firsthand experience in his involvement in World War I. He had been exposed to the horrors of war himself. In the story "Soldier's Home" a man who represents Hemingway comes home from World War I much to late. No one appreciated what he had done for his country and was forever psychologically damaged. He came home as a totally different person and now couldn't lead a normal life. He didn't have the will to work or obtain an education. The American soldier's in "Another Country" where forever damaged by the war. Each of these men couldn't even leave Europe because of their injuries. These men can never return home and pick up from where they left off. Their injuries will hold them all back from doing the things they love most. One mans injuries held him back from being with his sick wife back at home. These two short stories are perfect examples of how war can change a man's life forever.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Public Market - Company Managers Should be Public Actors Rather than Private Agents :: Public Administration Economics

The Public Market - Company Managers Should be Public Actors Rather than Private Agents ABSTRACT: The marketplace as an institution enjoys widespread popularity today. Many economists hold that most of society’s problems could be best solved by applying the market mechanism to them. Government, by contrast, is widely considered to be a problem rather than a solution. Some would like to see the government restructured along market lines so that policies would follow voter choice, as products follow that of consumers. Some, myself included, believe that a world in which all relationships are rendered matters of private choice would lack the "public happiness" that comes from participation in public discourse and concerted action. In this paper I address what it would mean for the market to be truly public. A market that is truly public will discourage speculative investment so that managers of various firms can concentrate on the long term good of creating a social institution through which the concerted efforts of various stakeholders are coordinated. In this way, stakeholders can enrich the world through their work. The market as an institution enjoys widespread popularity today. It is held by many economists, those of the Chicago School especially, that all social problems — crime, education, health care, and discrimination — are solvable by use of the market mechanism. (1) Politics and government, by contrast, are considered by many to be problems rather than solutions. Some today even seek public office precisely to prevent government from carrying on its functions, because they and their constituencies have lost faith in government and public life. These "conservatives" believe that "privatizing" government functions, by replacing public initiatives and agencies with private firms, will establish new freedom for people to act on market choices rather than to acquiesce in laws and administrative decisions reached through the political process. Others would reconstitute government in a more market-like way, so that political deliberation and decision should follow from "public ch oices" as merchandisers follow the tastes and preferences of customers. For "public choice" theorists, as well, the public character of politics should be replaced by the private decisions of voters/consumers on the options presented them by their erstwhile leaders. (2) The public character of life is being lost. Our society is being structured by the choices of citizens concerned with themselves and their families and acquaintances, rather than with the larger public, which is increasingly but an aggregate of private persons anyway.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Leadership Examples in IT industry in India Essay

Azim Hashim Premji (born 24 July 1945) is an Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman of Wipro Limited, guiding the company through four decades of diversification and growth to emerge as one of the Indian leaders in the software industry. After the demise of his father, Azim Premji took charge of WIPRO when he was 21 instead of taking up a high paid job. He believes in the concept of come easy go easy. A money earned was of far more value to him instead of five found. He never let success overwhelm him and constantly learnt from his failures and built an empire which does not need an introduction. He never stopped leaning and is the best example of humility in the software industry. He always strived to find better ways to innovate and treated excellence as journey rather than destiny. He evaluates with calm mind and does whatever is the most appropriate. At an age when most of the businessmen would retire and live a peaceful life away from stress, he is still active and inspires his employees to not only work but also enjoy the entire process. He is an idol for today’s generation and an epitome who shows us on how to live life without compromising on our core values. His desire to stretch and achieve which seem beyond one’s grasp is the most inspiring characteristic. His down to earth nature is visible from his charities. Nandan Nilekani is considered among the most successful business leaders from India. He has several accolades and awards to his name which are proofs of his tremendously rich leadership in fostering Infosys first and now the UIDAI. Nandan Nilekani was born in Bangalore, Karnataka on June 2, 1955 as the younger son of Durga and Mohan Rao Nilekani. He grew up as a typical  middle class child high on traditional and moral values. As a child, Nilekani was extremely brilliant and had good leadership skills. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and joined the Mumbai based software firm Patni Computers where he came into acquaintance with Mr. N R Narayan Murthy who later founded Infosys Technologies with Nandan and his associates. Nilekani was known for his bold leadership style and risk taking behaviour. He co-founded Infosys Technologies with his colleagues and a starting capital of $250 after three years with Patni. Despite having considerably less experience, he moved to the US in 1981 handling the marketing and development effort for Infosys. In 1987, he came back to India and in March 2002, he took over as the Chief Executive Officer of Infosys Technologies. Nilekani stressed in bringing about an excellence in execution within Infosys. He transformed the business at Infosys by division into verticals such as financial services, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, etc. emphasizing on values such as timely completion of projects on budget, hiring of high quality employees, excellent training programmes and high client and employee satisfaction. It was under his leadership that the global delivery model emerged as it is known today. Nilekani recognised the global nature of Infosys as it was emerging with a high number of employees and huge bio-diversity. Under his leadership, Infosys was awarded several awards such as â€Å"Best Company to Work for† and â€Å"India’s Best Managed Company Award†. His entrepreneurial skills inspire the present generation to take all responsibilities head on and increase the hunger of success. AZIM PREMJI 1. Explain the personality of the leaders based on Big 5 model. Cite instances to support your view. Big Five Model states that five basic dimensions underlie all others and encompass most of the significant variation in human personality. The following are the Big Five factors on which the personality of Azim Premji is evaluated against: The Big 5 personality traits are: (OCEAN) 1. Openness to experience: (Openness to new ideas) Azim Premji has been very open to ideas and experiences. After the death of his Father in 1966, the 22-year old scion to the hydrogenated-oil manufacturing firm returned to manage the business and diversified the company into other areas such as lightning products, soaps, etc. Also, the coming-up of Wipro as the leading IT Company was foreseen by Azim Premji. 2. Conscientiousness: (Show self-discipline and aim for achievement against expectations) In the span of 50 years, Wipro has transformed to one of the leading R & D service providers of the world. One of the popular Azim Premji anecdotes was when he attended his first annual general meeting. A shareholder doubted Premji’s ability to handle business at such a young age and publicly advised him to sell his shareholding and give it to a more mature management. This spurred Azim Premji and made him all the more determined to make Wipro a success story. His conscientiousness can also be seen in the focused efforts the CSR initiatives that the â€Å"Azim Premji Foundation† undertakes. 3. Extraversion: (Energy creation from external means; gregariousness) Azim Premji is considered to be an introvert. He maintains a measured engagement with the media. This can also be discerned from the relatively less number of news articles on Azim Premji (about 3000). 4. Agreeableness: One of the most famous quotes by Azim Premji is â€Å"We must have faith in our own ideas even if everyone tells us that we are wrong.† Also, he was one of the few corporate leaders in India who spoke out against the populist CSR measures taken by the Government of India. 5. Neuroticism: (Tendency to experience negative emotions) Azim Premji’s ability to manage the business in the face of difficult situations is a proof of his emotional stability. Time and again, he has shown dedication to his work and duties; even when faced with a grave personal loss (death of his Father). 2. What are the values of the organization or group the leaders represent? What are their personal values? Substantiate your claims by evidence. Wipro had 3 Values as stated on its Website (Popularly known as SPIRIT OF WIPRO): Intensity To Win: For Wipro It is not about winning at all costs, neither is it about winning every time, nor about winning at the expense of others. It is about working together to create a synergy; realizing that I win when my team wins, my team wins when Wipro wins, and Wipro wins when its customers win and when its stakeholders win. It is about innovating all the time. It is a continuous endeavor to do better than the last time. It is the Spirit of fortitude, the Spirit of never letting go†¦ ever. This is evident from the product extension of Wipro in various fields possible from its flagship product of vegetable oil to lightning products, from Computer software to FMCG product like soap. For this spirit of Play to win made Wipro achieve following: Wipro ranks 11th in the first edition of Interbrand’s ‘Best Indian Brands’ study, 2013. Global Telecoms Business recognizes Wipro with the ‘Wholesale Service Innovation Award 2013†² for their unique IT R&D Partnership Project. Wipro cited as a Leader in Sustainable Technology Services by Independent Analyst Firm. Act with Sensitivity: At its highest vision, respect for the individual is unqualified. The core of this sensitivity lies in understanding that every being, however different, is equal. The spirit of democracy underlies our notion of sensitivity. It believes in true respect meaning creating conditions in which every individual grows to realize his/her promise and potential. As quoted on its website â€Å"We are responsible for, and have an obligation to live in harmony  with, our ecological environment. We should actively act to preserve nature, and refrain from any action that harms ecology.† This Act with Sensitivity led them to bag the following awards: Wipro is the highest ranked gadget maker in Greenpeace’s latest green guide to electronics 2012. Ranked 2nd in the Workplace Diversity & Inclusivity category in India’s Best Places to Work For Study -2012 conducted by Great Places to Work Institute. Unyielding Integrity: Integrity is a commitment to searching for and acting on the truth. â€Å"Truth† is a word with many manifestations – it means keeping one’s word; it also means understanding and realizing the highest vision of oneself. As quoted on website â€Å"I am the litmus test of my integrity. For integrity is the manifestation of conscience.† Wipro’s code of conduct for employees says it all: Don’t do anything that you’re unwilling to have published in tomorrow’s newspaper with your photograph next to it. It’s that kind of Integrity that has catapulted Premji and Wipro to unprecedented heights. Personal Values: Azim Premji, the businessman, practices what he preaches. When it comes to upholding personal values, there’s no margin for error. He followed 2 principles throughout his life. They are: Value For Money: If ‘value for money’ was a guiding principle of Premji’s life, so was his practical nature. Although Wipro was well regarded, stories current in Bangalore at that time about Azim Premji related to his ‘careful about money’ habits. Azim Premji flew economy class and there was this tale about him taking an auto from the airport after disembarking from a flight and not finding his car. Everybody in Bangalore knew that he was a rich guy who was extremely simple and would do things such as borrowing magazines from the staff periodical pool with the promise of returning them later. It was not unusual for Premji to land up at the premises of customers for a sales pitch for his computers. If a good order could be bagged — and this could be anywhere in India — Premji disregarded his high status and became a salesman. Integrity: This was the value which he admires the most. One of the incident for which this principle is found to be evident in Premji is when Wipro managers speak in awe of the time they received a terse message that their chairman was flying down to Bangalore for a meeting. It was clear that something major was in the offing. Premji came straight to the point. A senior general manager of the company had been given marching orders because he had inflated a travel bill. The man’s contribution to the company was significant; the bill’s amount was not. Yet he had to go for this solitary lapse. It was, Premji stressed, a matter of principles. 3. What are some of the major conflicts that these leaders have confronted? Who were the stakeholders? How did they resolve the conflict? Were they able to live up to the expectations of all stakeholders? Conflict of Wipro:- In 2000 Wipro came out with an IPO of American Depository Shares (ADS) in the United States. Wipro offered a commonly utilized and Securities and Exchange Commission approved Directed Share Program (DSP) that allowed employees and clients of Wipro to purchase ADSs at the IPO market price. Their clients also included the World Bank staff to whom Wipro allowed to purchase shares at market price. The Program’s objective was to involve employees and customers with the public offering to expand recognition and brand of Wipro, but the World Bank in June 2007 determined that this was a conflict of interest. The World Bank deemed the IT firm ineligible to bid for direct contracts from IT sector for the period 2007-2011. The multilateral lender banned Wipro in June 2007 from doing business with the group under its corporate procurement program. Effects of ban on Wipro by World Bank:- The ban came to light in January 2009. Shares of Wipro were down by more than 10% when news came out after two years of ban. Employees of Wipro were under fear after what happened in Satyam. They were worried about future of their career as well as the future of the company. Leadership of the Chairman of the company – Mr. Azim Premji:- At this time, Mr. Azim Premji led Wipro from the front. He wrote a letter to 1,00,000 employees of Wipro. He denied allegations of providing improper benefits to Bank staff. He gave assurance to employees that all participants in the program signed a conflict of interest statement and their purchase did not violate any ethics or conflict of interest policies of their company. He said business ethics is their top priority while dealings with all stakeholders of Wipro. According to his letter, Wipro’s success over the decades has been built on the foundation of its values. Mr. Azim Premji was able to gain confidence from employees of Wipro. Wipro passed that difficult phase and continued their success story. World Bank lifted the ban on Wipro in 2011. It is now the fourth largest IT Company in India. Azim premji has shown us what effective leadership can do. 2. What are the CSR initiatives that these leaders support? Give examples. CSR Initiatives taken by Azim Premji: Azim Premji has already given 25% of his wealth to charity. Azim Premji has become the first Indian to sign up for the â€Å"Giving Pledge†, an undertaking by large-hearted billionaires to dedicate a majority of their wealth to philanthropy. Azim Premji’s biggest CSR initiative has been the establishment of â€Å"Azim Premji Foundation.† Azim Premji Foundation: Azim Premji Foundation was established in 2001 with a vision to contribute to education that facilitates a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. Their approach has been to focus all their resources and efforts on systemic change and improvement in quality of education in the government schools. The foundation has focussed on following areas while working with the government: Teacher Education Azim Premji Foundation’s teacher education programs have sought to build capacity in the existing education functionaries in terms of their  perspectives, subject matter knowledge, competencies and motivation levels. Since inception, they have worked with over 50,000 government school teachers across 8 states. Education Leadership and Management Azim Premji Foundation has developed about 3500 education functionaries in the state of Karnataka, including principals of schools in a unique effort involving training of master development facilitators for extended periods of time through classroom training and field projects. Examination Reforms Following Azim Premji Foundation’s work in the area, about 8 districts in 5 states have changed the way they conduct examinations for students up to 5th standard and the state of Karnataka has introduced external competency based evaluation. Technology in Education The Foundation initiated the Computer Aided Learning programme in the year 2002 to harness the potential of computer technology for education. The objectives of the programme were to make learning enjoyable and assessment fun, for all students. To this end, the Foundation created syllabus-based bi/trilingual multimedia content. It is probably the largest developer of Digital Learning Resources that address curricular issues of children from classes 3 to 8 in 18 languages (including four tribal languages). 2.5 million Children in 20,000 schools have used these resources across 16 states. Other Initiatives by Wipro: Wipro Care: â€Å"Wipro Cares† engages with communities in our proximate locations. The primary objectives of Wipro Cares are to support the developmental needs of marginalized communities in cities and towns where Wipro has a large presence. They have four core areas of work – education, health care, environment and disaster rehabilitation. Wipro Cares is currently engaged in 12 projects across India. Through its five health care projects in three states of India, Wipro Cares is providing more than 50,000 people access to primary health care. More than 70,000 children benefit from the six  education projects in five Indian cities and one Indian village. Their project in social forestry has helped plant more than 50,000 trees and has at the same time provided livelihood to around 40 farmers. Employee engagement is an integral part of Wipro Cares where they encourage employees to volunteer with our partners, acting thus as catalysts in bringing about positive change. Apart from these core areas, as part of the long term process that is typically involved in the rehabilitation of communities affected by natural calamities, Wipro offers its employees the opportunity to engage meaningfully with the affected communities. Mission 10X: Mission10X is a not-for-profit trust of Wipro, launched on September 5, 2007, with an aim to enhance the employability skills of engineering graduates in India. It aims to achieve this by collaborating with academicians & leading educational institutions across the country. The Mission10X Learning Approach empowers engineering faculty with innovative teaching techniques using which they can help learners in imbibing higher level of understanding of subjects, application of concepts learned and development of key behavioural skills. Since its launch, Mission10X has gained tremendous recognition and momentum in the field of engineering education. Mission10X has reached out to over 1,200 engineering colleges across 25 States in India and has empowered over 23,000 engineering faculty members. Eco–Eye: The core of Wipro’s social and community initiatives is focused on responsible and deep engagement with all stakeholders – present and future generations. Eco-eye is the way they see themselves and their engagement with stakeholders – on the journey to more sustainable business practices. The initiative focuses on reducing ecological footprint of their business operations, engagement with employees and supply chain, partners and customers to create a more sustainable society, and transparent reporting/disclosures. The ecological dimensions of their operations are focused on energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste/pollution management and recently enhancing biodiversity–they have set stretch targets for each of them. Moving beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations, engagement  with employees focuses on health and safety, people development, and increasing diversity and inclusivity at workplace are their important considerations. Close collaboration with suppliers to reduce their own ecological footprint and help meet and exceed labour and human rights norms is a key focus area. NANDAN NILEKANI 1. Explain the personality of the leaders based on Big 5 model. Cite instances to support your view. Big Five Model states that five basic dimensions underlie all others and encompass most of the significant variation in human personality. The following are the Big Five factors on which the personality of Nandan Nilekani, co-founder and ex- CEO & ex-MD of Infosys is evaluated against: The Big 5 personality traits are: (OCEAN) 1. Openness to experience. Nandan Nilekani’s career graph shows him to be a risk taker. He started his career in an IT firm as an engineer which he later quit to start his own business with his five other colleagues. Then, from an entrepreneur, he became a technocrat in the government in charge of transformational projects. Now, speculations are rife about his joining government by contesting elections from Bangalore constituency. He has also authored a book on ideas that have made India titled ‘Imagining India’. In his own words he describes his journey so far as from being an ideator to a change initiator. 2. Conscientiousness The biggest trait of a highly conscientious person is that he is reliable and responsible. Nandan Nilekani scores high on this parameter. Only a person who is deemed responsible and dependable can be made the chief of the biggest initiative by government. Other than that, he has also served as a member of the National Knowledge Commission, formed by the prime minister to reform higher education in India. In his stint at Infosys, its revenues grew fivefold. This shows the immense trust that the shareholders have on his leadership capability. He is well organized and persistent in his efforts.  He has managed to issue 380 million AADHAR cards so far which is consistent with his target of 400 million AADHAR cards by 2013. 3. Extraversion Nandan Nilekani is an extravert because he exudes gregariousness, is assertive and sociable. In 1981, Nandan Nilekani along with Narayan Murthy and five others co-founded Infosys. If he wouldn’t have been an extravert then probably he would have still remained as an employee of â€Å"Patni Computers† where he worked initially with the other co-founders of Infosys. Also, on his last day at Infosys, he made a speech that brought his assertive nature to the fore. It read â€Å"I am generally very articulate but this is not the day or place where I can be articulate. I’ve been wrapped up in Infosys for 28 years. My only identity is Infosys. I will be going to lead a programme to give identity to every Indian. But today I am losing my identity†¦But, in my new role, I’m supposed to work with 600 government departments knowing fully well that no two government departments get along with one other.† Also people close to him and the employees who have worked under him know him as a good orator and communicator. 4. Agreeableness Nandan Nilekani ranks high on the agreeableness dimension. He is known to be cooperative, warm and trusting. Mohandas Pai, co-founder of Infosys and a close aide of Nilekani says that he listens to all stakeholders, but has the capacity to take decisions. Also when he left Infosys to join UIDAI as its chief, many of his employees too left Infosys to join him in UIDAI. Even in UIDAI, he willingly subscribes to its rules, but at the same time also constantly looks for openings to subtly sell his ideas. 5. Neuroticism Nandan Nilekani is a positively stable person. The desire and urgency to serve a larger good has seen Nilekani and his wife, Rohini, give away hundreds of crores of their personal wealth—which Forbes estimates at $1.3 billion (about Rs. 9,000 crore), as of March 2013, largely from their Infosys shareholding—to educational institutions, and organisations that work to address some of the basic human needs. Some of this thinking is influenced by Nilekani’s father, Mohan Rao, a manager in a textile company  and a Nehruvian. Nilekani is considered the Bill Gates of our very own silicon valley for his benevolence and Samaritan acts. 2. What are the values of the organization or group the leaders represent? What are their personal values? Substantiate your claims by evidence. Hard work & sacrifice: I learned the value of give and take. I learned that there is the need to sacrifice your own wants in favour of someone else. I also believe in the popular saying: Let all living beings prosper. Another feature that this leader represents is the quest for knowledge. He stresses that success depends on continual learning. He also believes in the fact that ultimately hard work pays. He says that value system is very important as it acts as a guiding light in times of darkness, confusion and self-doubt, and when faced with moral dilemma. Leadership by example: Nandan Nilekani believes that transferring the values and beliefs of the organization to the next generation leaders is one of the most important functions. He is actively involved in the company’s leadership development workshops and mentoring activities. He believes that future leaders need to learn how to set direction, to create a shared vision, encourage execution excellence, embrace inclusive meritocracy. Ethics: The company recognizes the importance of nurturing relationships that reflect our culture of unwavering ethics and mutual respect. The company behaves ethically and honestly in all its interactions – with the clients, partners and employees. Right of Liberty: The company has unwritten rules. Everybody knows that if we want to work as a team we have to be transaction based. We start every transaction on a zero base. It is perfectly feasible for us to disagree on a transaction but we start the next transaction without any bias. Only an argument that has merit wins; it has nothing to do with hierarchy. Disagreeing is in the nature of  things. When you bring a set of people who have respect for each other’s competence in certain areas and you’re transaction-oriented then it can work as it has in our case. In Infosys, we have consciously brought about a respect and dignity for every individual. Pursuit of Excellence: We at Infosys take a long-term view of our business and life. We remember that success is, generally ephemeral. We remember that we are only as good as the results of our last quarter. Infosys has always placed a premium upon recruiting people with a high learnability quotient. Personal Values: Excerpts from an interview with the Indian Express â€Å"When I address new hires, the main thing I talk to them about is the value system. I tell them that even in the fiercest competitive situation they must never talk ill of customers. For heaven’s sake don’t short change anybody. Never ever violate any law of the land. It is better to lose a billion dollars than a good night’s sleep. It is a true meritocracy.† Once Nandan Nilekani was having lunch with Mihir S Sharma. They ordered something to eat and Nandan waited patiently for the food to arrive. The steward finally arrives. He received an education in how Important People are treated in restaurants. He’d rather be unimportant: mainly because it is assumed Important People are Too Busy to Order. The steward asks them if they want vegetables, chicken or meat, and tells them he’ll do the rest. Before he can interpose a panicked reply, Nilekani says: â€Å"dim sum.† The steward rushes off, and brings them a random selection. They’re terrible: undercooked and flavourless. Nilekani calls the steward over, and asks for the restaurant’s hottest sauce. The steward points to one on the table. Nilekani Smiles and picks up the sauce on his own. He understands that even the steward is a busy man and can get frustrated by his job. This clearly indicates the degree to which Nilkeni understands human behaviour and respects others. One, stay a technocrat, as he has been since 2009, when he was handpicked by Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi to lead a project to issue unique identity numbers to every Indian. Two, come in as a member of the Rajya Sabha, which does not require a mandate from the people, and be a minister like Jairam Ramesh or even Manmohan Singh. Three, in what will be the most challenging personally and professionally for Nilekani, a member of the Lok Sabha, elected by the people. This indicates value of excellence in Mr. Nilekani. Former Infosys chief and chairman of Unique Identification Development Authority of India Nandan Nilekani and his wife Rohini have announced Rs. 50 crore philanthropic grants to the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) to fund the establishment of a School of Environment and Sustainability. This indicates the generous nature of Mr. Nilekani. The principle of building and implementing great ideas that drive progress for clients and enhance lives through enterprise solutions. Mr. Nilekani has constantly endeavoured in bringing to life great ideas and enterprise solutions. His efforts in developing a unique identification project which aims at issuing identity to all Indian residents is commendable. 4. What are some of the major conflicts that these leaders have confronted? Who were the stakeholders? How did they resolve the conflict? Were they able to live up to the expectations of all stakeholders? Nandan Nilekani’s life seems like a smooth ride if you have a look at it. He has handled the conflicts in his personal or professional life so properly that you will feel like they weren’t even there. But, there were some brickwalls which he had to overcome. The two biggest conflicts in his life were: ‘To take care of newly started Infosys’s interests in US’ and of course, ‘the UID or Aadhar card project implementation’. To take care of newly started Infosys’s interests in US: After walking out of Patni with Narayan Murthy and co-founding the Infosys with him, Nandan Nilekani moved to US to take care of Infosys’s interest there. He was the face of the Infosys in US and did a brilliant job  in expanding its business. This part doesn’t necessarily seem as a big conflict but this was a really important phase for Infosys before it went public in 1993. Even when Infosys went public in 1993, no one picked up the stock. Among the first people Nandan Nilekani tried to sell the Infy stock before the Initial Public Offering was his IIT Bombay senior by one year, and now Union minister, Jairam Ramesh. So, I think the answer to this conflict in question is more related to his personality and his ability to give his team or co-workers a direction towards improvement through simple and logical questions that would properly analyse their work as well as its efficiency. Mr. Nandan Nilekani has a quick mind but at the same time he is very patient and a superb listener. He is quick in doing 360 degree analysis about any problems and is quick to ask the questions on exact points too. With these qualities he expanded the number of Infosys’ clients as well as provided them work the quality they needed. Even though, he makes it look effortless, it’s his experience, his quizzical & quick mind and his innovative thinking that makes this possible. With all these traits, he contributed to Infosys immensely and became its CEO in 2002. It was Nilekani who put Infosys on the global map and coined the phrase â€Å"flat world†, which inspired Thomas Friedman to title his book ‘The World is Flat’. The UID or Aadhar card project implementation: When Nandan Nilekani began working on providing a unique identification number to half of India’s billion-plus people four years ago, he ran into a wall of problems. The main criticism was that 120bn rupees ( £1.72bn; $1.89bn) project was also the world’s biggest biometric exercise. Not surprisingly Mr Nilekani, info-tech whizz turned head of the Unique Identification Authority of India, faced tough questions over access and misuse of personal information, surveillance, profiling, securing of confidential information by the government and threats of budget cuts. A parliamentary panel even trashed the idea, saying it would be â€Å"misused†. When all these were cleared the whole project was called directionless. The major stakeholders in this case were: He himself, Government, Opposition, Indian population and UIDAI. Nandan Nilekani persevered really hard, day and night to answer these questions and handled each one of them professionally and answering them with his actions. As his wife said in one of the  interview, â€Å"For 30 years Infosys consumed him and now it is UIDAI.† That’s how much he is involved. When the certain journalists went for the interview at his house, Nandan and Rohini Nilekani had just returned from a workshop at the National Law School in Bangalore where he had brainstormed with a group of legal experts on how to create the legal framework for the UIDAI. A week before that he was in Bihar where he had had a 90-minute lunch meeting at chief minister Nitish Kumar’s house. The day after the interview, Nilekani was flying off to Mumbai to meet the Maharashtra chief minister. In the four months before the interview took place, he had met 12 CMs to explain to them the intricacies of the UID project and ask for their support in enrolling people into the program. When he was interviewed about all this and why did he take up a project that was risky and that might face such a huge criticism, he said it was mainly because he was restless. He mentioned, â€Å"I thrive on challenges and new intellectual issues. I had to show that I could execute something outside my normal world. So there was that desire to prove myself again.† There was one more reason – the feeling that he needed to give something back to the country. Nilekani was aware that he came to this job with a certain â€Å"brand perception†. He was famous and wealthy and while these two attributes can help in opening many doors, there were people inside the government who did not believe that he understood the problems and issues of the poor. That is why he launched what he called an â€Å"outreach programme† where he made the first move in reaching out to various organizations and departments inside the government and public sector. Nilekani has been able to successfully complete the UID project and it has shown far reaching benefits. It has improved the delivery of social welfare programs, lead to more inclusion of the underprivileged, brought down the government’s transaction costs and plugged leaks and fraud in welfare schemes. But the implications of Nilekani’s role go far beyond the UID. He was one of the most high profile hires made by the Manmohan Singh government in the project. There were two implications – if he succeeds, a lot more people from the private sector and academic world will step forward to work with the government but if he fails that movement could slow down, which is why so many people across the country were watching this move so closely. Mr Nilekani was well-aware of the risks. As he himself says, â€Å"In the private sector, nine out of 10 start-ups usually fail and the UID too is like a  start-up.† He knew that his prior success didn’t guarantee success in this world and if he didn’t deliver the consequences would be large and four years on, Mr Nilekani – the famous co-founder of Infosys, the $7bn Indian info-tech behemoth – believes he has been able to allay fears. One of his biggest strengths at Infosys was building consensus and breaking down a complex problem and get people to identify the specific parts where they could not agree. The other was his supreme networking skills. And he put both of them to good use in UIDAI. He certainly silenced the critics with superb execution of the project, cleared all the doubts of the stakeholders and Indian people and even grass root politicians and provided people with Aadhar Card – their UID. 5. What are the CSR initiatives that these leaders support? Give examples. Nandan Nilekani himself is not an organisation or is not heading any profit making organisation so it is not mandatory upon him to devote 2% of his earnings towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. In fact he has right now devoted his complete time towards society by spearheading the UIDAI project. He is the chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIADAI). This project is aimed at creating a complete database of the Indian population in order for the government to reach out to the masses in a more effective manner. Besides this Mr. Nandan Nilekani’s wife Rohini Nilekani has been involving herself into a lot of social work which could be indirectly termed that she has been doing on his behalf. Recently Mrs Rohini Nilekani raised about Rs 163.58 crore by selling 5.77 lakh of her shares of the IT services company for philanthropic work. Mrs Rohini Nilekani recently stated that she has taken philanthropic initiatives in multiple sectors such as education, water, environment and governance among others. The proceeds of the sale of shares, post tax, are being deployed towards these and other philanthropic contributions. This was just a one-off social task undertaken by them. Besides this on a full time basis they have a non-profit organisation named Arghyam. Arghyam grants funds to organisations, which implement and manage groundwater and sanitation projects in India. Arghyam has made grants to recipients in 22 states of India since 2005, the year of its founding. Arghyam, a foundation she set up with a private endowment, to  work on water and sanitation issues in India. Apart from this Mrs Rohini Nilekani is also Founder-Chairperson of Pratham Books, a charitable trust which seeks to put â€Å"A book in every child’s hand.† All these initiatives it could be assumed are being undertaken by her but it cannot be denied that the source of income or the free movement of all projects undertaken by her have a bearing signature of her husband which can be easily noticed. When Mr. Nandan Nilekani was asked the reason for his leaving Infosys it was found out that he had a feeling that he needed to give something back to the country. It was feeling that lead him to develop the country’s first unique identification scheme that hopes to cover all of India in phases and give a unique number as exists in all other developed countries. Mr. Nandan Nilekani like his wife does not believe in philanthropy is the way to alleviate poverty and inequality. He rather believes that social work for the country can only be carried out by working with the government. He has also been trying to enter into politics and has a belief that if one academically successful man is able to enter politics and is able to help India there would be more who would get into it. A person who is working for the government in a selfless manner is the most apt example for social responsibility being carried out and Nandan Nilekani is doing that thing in the best possible manner there could be. REFERENCES ‘Value for money’ – an article on Azim Premji in Times Of India (03 December 2010)–Take-charge-of-your-career-destiny View as multi-pages